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They talk about Interior Ecology®

Media are interested in Interior Ecology® and Marie QUÉRU!

Télématin TV Show (France 2 channel) - Sylvie Adigard's chronicle

Sylvie Adigard visited Marie QUÉRU's apartment, for a Home Tour, to introduce France 2 viewers to Interior Ecology®. This morning TV show is very famous in France.


Topics covered included how to combine design and sufficiency, how to create a feeling of space in a small space, and how to fight visual pollution!


Watch the replay !


ELLE Magazine -  in the "special fashion" famous issue 

In its September issue, the most read issue of the year including the special Fashion série,  ELLE magazine gave a 6 pages interview to Interior Ecology® gathering the12 commands to live better with less! All texts and visuals are from Marie QUÉRU.


This short video show the entire article.


BFM Business - In the "happy boulot" show


Marie QUÉRU is featured on BFM TV's "Happy Boulot - HR lab" program, presenting how Interior Ecology® can help companies boost their attractiveness, cohesion, well-being and employer brand alignment.



Click on the visual to launch the video replay!

REEL Media -  the medium for change agents

On REEL MEDIA, Marie QUERU presents Interior Ecology® as an alternative to the over-consumption society that makes us unhappy.



Wouldn't the best remedy for being an agent of change on an individual level be to look for less?



Watch the video shared on social networks here!

Madame FIGARO - Special "ECO-SYSTEM" issue


In a special issue dedicated to environmental issues and entitled "ECO-SYSTÈME: la vie autrement. S'adapter, protéger, inventer" the supplement devotes 2 full pages to Interior Ecology® and the philosophy developed by Marie QUÉRU!

HOME - 102 issue

The end-of-year issue of this lifestyle magazine, with its finger on the pulse of lifestyles in transition, recommends the book "L'écologie d'intérieur: vivre mieux avec moins" in its cutting-edge selection of inspiring books!


ELLE Magazine 

The prestigious magazine ELLE interviewed me for a special article about well being : "15 new pratices to try!" and talk about Interior ecology® .  Quick video on the article.


In a special "feel good" article, the magazine AVANTAGES highlight L'ARRANGEUSE as the most beautiful Instagram account to "live better with less" and recommand to follow @larrangeuse to its audience! 

HOME - 98 issue

In the "Slow Down - Sustainable" section of HOME Magazine, Marie Quéru is quoted as a very special encounter, leading to a personal revolution (p94) ! The visual illustrating this article dedicated to Echo By Obo is also from L'ARRANGEUSE. 

HOME - Special Edition 
 In its Special Edition, the HOME magazine dedicates a 4 pages article to Marie Quéru, Interior Ecology® and the founding principles of this essentialist philosophy. All texts and visuals are from L'ARRANGEUSE.

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