Interior Ecology®
Ecology studies living things and their interactions with their environment, and aims for a better balance between people and nature.
Interior Ecology® questions the relationship we have with our objects and our living or working environment by refocusing on the essentials and laying the foundations for more sustainable lifestyles.
Born with the idea that we suffer daily from the visual pollution of our spaces, the mental pollution of our minds and the environmental pollution induced by our lifestyles, this essentialist philosophy reconciles us with a more measured approach for an individual and collective well-being.
The philosophy
With Interior Ecology®, L’ARRANGEUSE represents an avant-garde organisation of spaces and a better consumption philosophy allowing us to align our environment with our well-being and reduce our impact, while still enjoying our daily lives!
Without requiring degrowth or personal sacrifices, Interior Ecology® invites us to live our best by redefining our relationship to objects, regaining control of our consumption and natural rhythms and reconciling ourselves with the essential parts of life.
In a world dominated more than ever by overconsumption and material possession, despite resources scarcity,
our spaces and our minds are cluttered and overloaded.
Interior Ecology® helps us to develop new perspectives on our possessions in our personal and professional environment,
to regain control of consumption in order to be more free, responsible and happier.
By creating better spaces, Interior Ecology® reveals a simplified everyday life, and guides us towards a new sustainable lifestyle, better for both ourself and the planet.
Making sustainable desirable and sufisciency inspiring.
After studying at the Polytechnic National Institute of Toulouse and graduate from ESSEC business school, Marie spent 12 years in branding agencies advising high profile brands on their marketing strategies. During this work, she developed her beliefs that an alternative to the current over-consumption economic model is possible, and necessary.
L’ARRANGEUSE was founded in 2019 to help individuals, freelancers, companies and brands transform lifestyles and work through their relationship with objects, wether tangible or intangible. The company is developing the Interior Ecology® approach to help clients live and work better.
In October 2022, Marie QUERU published a book on Interior Ecology®, the philosophy of life and protocol she created to help us live better with less, at EYROLLES.
The founder
Crédit photo : Anais Jazmine
Founding roots of L’ARRANGEUSE
Orderly by nature, Marie QUÉRU intuitively developed, from childhood, a singular taste and aptitude for optimizing space and time, thanks to a natural capacity for organization. Years later, this gift has become a sought-after skill that she uses to help her customers change their relationship with objects and promote more sustainable lifestyles.
In Paris, where space is in short supply and efficiency is a necessity, she has developed the skills to make the most of space and simplify day-to-day organization to strike balance. In Île deRé, the protected landscapes and minimalist architecture are sources of inspiration that lead her to a philosophy that embraces and preserves the natural world.